Find out how to make money by retyping texts to order. What a typesetter should know and be able to do, and how much you can earn.
Earn Money Retyping Documents
Where to look for customers and how to protect yourself from scammers.
In the 2000s, the demand for typesetting services was at its highest. Printed editions, books, and other paper publications must urgently be converted to electronic format.
The need for such work has decreased today, but you can still find orders for printing paper and scanned materials.
This type of Internet earnings (typing texts) has pros and cons, which are worth learning more about.
What does a typesetter do?
A typesetter makes money by typing up written documents and other work online. The source material is provided in the form of manuscripts or scanned documents.
Publishing houses need such performers to translate materials into electronic format for subsequent publication. Sometimes, one-time orders—for example, reprinting a student's diploma—are also announced.
Typing at home for real money requires a contract. This will protect you from fraud since there are many "employers" in this area who disappear with the completed order without paying for it or even asking for a "fee."
What skills are needed for the job
Typing text for money at home is not difficult, and there are a lot of online typing jobs for beginners - all you need is some skills and find suitable vacancies:
- Literacy. No stylistic, punctuation, or grammatical errors are allowed.
- Attentiveness. It is necessary to correctly transfer all information into electronic format, including possible formulas, graphs, etc.
- Possession of "touch typing" skills. This means that when typing, you look at the screen, not the keyboard, and your typing speed is relatively high. Freelance typing for money at home is not the highest-paid job on the Internet, so earnings largely depend on the volume: the faster you can type text in a specific time, the higher your income. For training, you can use the free online simulator Stamina.
- Knowledge of a PC. It is necessary to understand a PC at least at a basic level: be able to use all the features of Microsoft Word (formatting, inserting formulas, notes, and tables), use a browser, email, and possibly messengers, since today employers prefer to communicate with performers through them. Some ask to submit finished material in Google Docs - "online Word". It is convenient because the text is saved automatically: the printed material will remain untouched if something happens to the PC.
- Perseverance. Retyping even a small text for money is monotonous work at home: you must spend hours converting materials into electronic format. Before responding to vacancies for cash, try retyping a text of one page from any paper book that is at hand. This way, you will understand whether this profession suits you.
The work-from-home process itself is simple: you find a client, receive the material, start typing the text on the computer for a certain amount of time, format it, and, after checking the result, receive money on the card.
By the way, sometimes, they require text and audio to be translated into electronic format. Transcription is also a reasonably popular job.
Where to Find Work-from-Home Typing Jobs
Job offers for reprinting texts should be sought on unique websites, freelance exchanges, and bulletin boards. In addition, it is worth looking through the official pages of publishing houses—employers post current vacancies primarily on their resources.
There are websites for typing text that unite customers and contractors working for money. Some of the most famous, reliable, and proven sites are and, where you can easily earn money by retyping documents.
The site offers computer typing services and custom text writing. From time to time, the portal owners open vacancies for typists. To get paid work online, a typist must upload a resume to the service and provide information about himself.
After that, the task remains to be done. The work is official, as evidenced by the execution of a contract and the provision of your SNILS and INN.
The company has been operating in the text-typing services market for over 7 years. It is difficult to get into it due to high competition and slow recruitment of performers, of whom there is no shortage.
Notice boards
You can try to find a vacancy on the bulletin boards. Often, regional publishing houses require a typesetter (OOO "Atlantic"). Managers publish vacancies, indicating the duties needed - printing texts, sorting documents, digitizing finished text, preparing reports, and other work.
The applicant can also advertise for a job search, such as “I will type text for money. I work from home.” Potential clients often respond to such requests.
Freelance exchanges
Earnings from retyping small texts can be found on the website Register and go to the "Texts" section, where tasks for typing texts and transcribing audio are published. Access to functions is free; you can post ads about your services. However, there are few orders for typing text and no safe transactions on the website.
Another well-known freelance exchange is It unites customers and contractors from a variety of fields. Registering on the exchange and publishing your "kwork" (offer of services) is enough. Its cost is 6 dollars; the exchange commission is 1,2 USD (included in the work cost). In case of controversial situations, you can contact technical support.
The extensive exchange also offers custom text writing for money – such work is in demand on the Internet, so new tasks for typing text appear daily. There is a service called “Safe Deal”: if a freelancer does a high-quality job, they are guaranteed to receive payment and can easily find new vacancies for working from home.
Paid profiles are available to take advantage of certain privileges. However, you can respond to projects no more than 3 times a day and have to pay for the “Safe Deal” service.
Job openings from publishing houses
Publishing houses often open vacancies for money when typing texts at home. These are posted on several job search websites, where the candidate must register on the portal and fill out a personal profile. The candidate must then track vacancies in the area of interest and respond to them promptly.
Typing Jobs Pay Per Page: How Much Can You Earn?
The cost of one page of reprinted text (A4 format) is 0,1-0,2 dollars. A good-quality scan or photo of a document will cost 0,2-0,7 dollars per page. If the original scanned material is of low quality, the prices for typesetting start at 0,1-0,2 dollars per page.
If the manuscript contains many formulas, terms, graphs, tables, and incomprehensible abbreviations that complicate the text's typing, the cost of one sheet of A4 format increases.
Typing foreign text on a computer costs about 1,2$ per page, and diagramming is offered at approximately the exact cost.
Typing text with audio – price per page from 0,8$.
If you find a customer with a permanent job and know how to type correctly without touching, you can earn about 6 dollars per day. And if you take on large volumes of reprinting with complex source material, the cost of typing on a home computer (one A4 sheet) will be approximately 12 dollars.
Learn how to specialize in premium projects (complex formulas, multilingual texts, etc.) and triple your rates with this insider resource.
Typing can be well paid, but you need to consider all the nuances of the work to calculate the cost of a page with the result accurately.
Legitimate Work-from-Home Typing Jobs (No Scams)
Typing text on the Internet for money does not lose its relevance - this work-from-home has its advantages:
- There are many vacancies – both one-time, part-time jobs and permanent employment.
- No requirements for specialized knowledge, skills and abilities. It is enough to quickly and competently rewrite or write texts from scratch for money online and also be able to use a computer at a basic level.
- Flexible work schedule. You choose when you will work and when you will rest. The main thing is to submit the completed material by the agreed deadline. This can be a part-time job online or central work with text for money if, for example, you work in an office and have free time daily to write text.
- You can write a text and get paid for the work anywhere worldwide. You can be hundreds of kilometers away from the customer—it does not matter since you will discuss the terms of cooperation via the Internet.
There are also disadvantages - for example:
- Fraud is thriving in this area. If a customer asks for an advance payment, you definitely can't work with them. Fraudsters often explain the requirement for advance payment by saying it allegedly shows your responsibility and willingness to complete the work on time. In reality, the "customers" will disappear after receiving money from you.
Want to bypass these risks and fast-track your success? Discover a proven system to land trustworthy clients and maximize your earnings safely with this step-by-step guide.
- There is also high competition in the field of text entry. This is due to the almost complete lack of requirements for the performer's qualifications. You will have to convince the customer to entrust the rewriting of the material to you.
- Complex, illegible texts, handwritten in illegible handwriting, are possible. However, if you are provided with scanned material (such as paper books, magazines, or newspapers), this will not be a problem.
- You must bring handwritten materials, including pictures, lists, formulas, equations, and tables, to earn more. If you print texts for money in a foreign language, such work on the Internet will be paid more, but in this case, you need to know the language itself.
Some people try to use automatic programs for text recognition. However, they are suitable only if the quality of the scanned material is the highest, with no overexposed areas, folded pages, blots, or strikethroughs.
In other cases, you will need to spend significantly more time editing the recognized text than if you typed it manually. In addition, programs that produce more or less expected results are expensive.
If the source material contains many formulas, tables, and equations, text recognition programs are useless—they recognize them poorly.
Printing unique texts and retyping finished materials at home for money is still a relevant way for beginners to earn money online. To become a typesetter, you must be literate, attentive, and diligent. It is essential to retype text for cash quickly without looking - such work can be well paid, but the price depends on the complexity.
Customers often provide texts with complex handwriting, abundant terminology, abbreviations, graphs, tables, drawings, and formulas for translation into electronic material. Services for translating audio into text format are also popular. But the main thing is to protect yourself from scammers so that writing and typing texts online is a pleasure, and working from home brings income.
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